1. What are the symptoms of chlamydia infection and how long they will appear after infected?
The incubation period of chlamydia infection commonly is one to three weeks. On the early stage, the symptoms can be redness and swelling on the urethral orifice. At the later stage, the symptoms are enlargement of prostate, fibrillation and calcification of tissues, blockage and so on.
2. Can one experience anal pain after infection?
Generally, chlamydia patients won't experience this symptom. However, if the chlamydia spreads against the current, reaching to the prostate gland, it is possible. Herbal pill - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill not only can cure chlamydia infection but also its complication - prostatitis.
3. Can one get the chlamydia infection if having protected sex?
Please do not worry about it, the chance for one to get chlamydia infection under protection is very low. And asking chlamydia infection patients to avoid sexual contact not only is to prevent relapse of this disease, but also other infections.
4. Can this disease impacts kidney?
In the short period, kidney is safe, but in the long run, the left untreated chlamydia infection can bring damages to kidney tissues. Therefore, timely treatment is inevitable.
5. Only man can affect this disease?
Chlamydia infection, as a STD, can be infected by both man and woman. What's more, the morbidity rate of woman is higher than man. To avoid the recurrence of this disease, women can take fuyan pill.