Endometriosis is often a painful disorder where tissue from inside the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. It’s call retrograde menstruation. It usually attaches to the ovaries, bowel, or lining of the pelvis, but has also been known to reach as far as the liver, and even the lungs.
This displaced tissue continues to act as it normally would. It thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. This irritates the surrounding tissue and causes scars. Depending where the endometrial tissue attached, gives you the source of pain.
Problems associated with endometriosis include:
Pain - cramping with intercourse, bowel movements, urination
Swelling - irritation
Bleeding - with menstrual cycle
Scarring - the tissue it is attached to
Infertility - due to repeat irritation and scarring
The condition is often confused with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS).
Risk factors for endometriosis include:
One or more relatives with the condition
Never giving birth
Short menstrual cycles - short bleeding times History of pelvic infection
A number of treatment options for endometriosis are available depending on the severity of your condition. You doctor may start with medication such as birth control pills, Gn-RH estrogen suppressors, and anti inflammatory pills to help with the cramping and pain.
Pregnancy, if possible, can also help alleviate endometriosis.
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Laproscopic surgery is the more conservative route and can help a woman trying to get pregnant. In extreme cases, though, a hysterectomy may be needed.
Women have reported finding success with alternative treatment options such as hot baths or heating pads, acupuncture, herbs, such as kava, and even meditation.
If left untreated, this disease can progress in to chronic pain and scarring. Infertility is a high risk.
Getting a doctor you are comfortable with is very important. Avoid narcotic medications, since this can be a chronic disease, the chance of dependence is considered high. Get a second opinion prior to any surgery to ensure you have made an informed decision. And if you plan on getting pregnant, consider taking Fuyan Pill early, waiting too long might make the process much more difficult.