
what causes can affect male infertility?

The vas deferens are the tubes that carry the sperm from the testicle and epididymis up to the prostatic urethra. Some men have no sperm in their semen because the sperm transport is blocked because the vas deferens did not develop at all or in part. The vas deferens may not form on one side if there is a missing kidney on that same side but this wont cause male infertility as long as there is a normal vas deferens on the other side. If the vas deferens is missing or abnormal on both sides then no sperm will be in the semen.

You can be born with a blockage, a condition called congenital absence of the vas deferens, meaning being born without the spermduct or tube called a “vas that a doctor cuts when he performs a vasectomy.

The testicles make sperm as normal but the sperm can't be released because there is no tube or no "plumbing" so to speak. Another issue that can cause blockage of the sperm tube is a vasectomy; which is designed to cause a blockage so that a man can't impregnate a woman. There are issues such as infection, chlamydia and gonorrhea for example, that can cause blockages to the reproductive tract. There can be cysts or disorders of the prostate that also can cause blockages for sperm, so there are numerous things that may cause an obstruction. Read more:



