
Endometritis should be careful to make the treatment and prevention

Despite the introduction of obstetric practice of modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of postnatal diseases, a clear tendency to decrease their frequency is not observed. This is due to several factors that make up the features of modern medicine and ways to enhance infection of pregnant and postpartum women: use of modern invasive methods of diagnosis and therapy, a significant increase in the frequency of surgical interventions at delivery, the irrational use of antibiotics, which leads to the accumulation of clinical antibiotic species and strains of microorganisms , the use of drugs, including corticosteroids, have immunosuppressive action, etc.

In addition, the change contingent of pregnant and postpartum women is dominated by a patient with extragenital diseases, various forms of infertility, after the hormonal and or surgical treatment of miscarriage, with mixed virusnobakterialnoy infection related to the high risk of infectious complications. Also there is a high level of urogenital infections that can lead to serious problems during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and intrauterine infection of the fetus and newborn.

One of the most common forms of disease gnoynovospalitelnyh puerperium is postpartum endometritis. Its frequency after spontaneous labor is 35% after caesarean section than 1020%. Of the 100 postpartum endometritis 80 are associated with cesarean section. Study of clinical features, etiology, pathogenesis of endometritis after delivery and cesarean section, methods of its diagnosis and adequate therapy are of great importance, since the endometrium is the initial manifestation of localized dynamically developing sepsis. Delayed diagnosis and its irrational treatment can lead to a further spread of infection until the appearance of its generalized forms. In some cases of postpartum endometritis has a blurred or asymptomatic. In these cases, the progression of inflammation in the uterus may occur after discharge from hospital puerperal. Endometritis polymicrobial disease, which can be caused by conditionally bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, viruses, etc.

The main causative agents of endometritis after spontaneous labor and cesarean delivery are conditionally aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that constitute normal (is indigenous) microflora of the lower female genital tract.

Found that even in healthy women during pregnancy and early postpartum period is observed transient partial immunodeficiency. At its core, endometriosis is a manifestation of wound infection. The inner surface of the uterus after removal of the placenta is an extensive wound healing that takes place in accordance with the laws of general biological healing of any wounds.

Herbal medicine is the best treatment of endometritis. Some elements in the recipe of Fuyan Pill can kill bacteria and virus effectively. As some medicines can clesraway heat and toxic material, all kinds of bacteria and virus are killed in three months. Medicines that can clear away heat and toxic material, and those can promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis can help release the pain and shrink the anxetic womb. Since all the lesion eliminates, the disease is cured.

if you want to know more details,you can send the email to the wuhandrlee@hotmail.com

