
Common causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage is never something pleasant, and this is why a lot of women would like to find out the causes of it so that they can avoid them. There are numerous medical conditions that could lead to miscarriage, and there are also some other actions or events that can induce it.

Miscarriage can be divided into two categories: single miscarriage and recurrent miscarriages. The causes of one-time pregnancy losses are usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the developing baby. And they often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In recurrent miscarriages, causes are much more controversial than the single miscarriages. Some doctors will test for and treat particular problems while others will not. Widely recognized causes of recurrent miscarriages include the following:

Infections including German measles, CMV (cytomegalovirus), mycoplasma, gonorrhea, HIV and certain other infections
Exposure to environmental and workplace hazards such as high levels of radiation or toxic agents
Hormonal problems
Uterine abnormalities such as endometriosis and severe uterine adhesion
Incompetent cervix (the cervix begins to widen and open too early, in the middle of pregnancy, without signs of pain or labor)
Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs
Disorders of the immune system, including lupus
Severe kidney disease
Congenital heart disease
Diabetes that is not controlled
Thyroid disease
Certain medications, such as the acne drug Accutane
Severe malnutrition

In addition, women may be at increased risk for miscarriage as they get older. Studies show that the risk of miscarriage is 12% to 15% for women in their 20s and rises to about 25% for women at age 40. The increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities contributes to the age-related risk of miscarriage.

Another commonly recognized reason for miscarriage is medications. Some medications have been linked to increased risk of miscarriage, so it's important to ask your caregiver about the safety of any medications you're taking, even while you're trying to conceive. This goes for prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin.

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