The relation between male infertility and Sperm production
If a man want to get his partner pregnant, he must produce healthy sperm that can reach, penetrate and fertilize the egg, but several other factors are involved. The sperm must be healthy, which requires functioning testicles, and there must be enough hormones to maintain sperm production. The sperm has to be carried into the semen and there needs to be enough sperm in the semen to increase the odds of fertilization. The sperm must be shaped correctly and be able to move for penetration of the egg. If one of these factors is off, fertilization won't take place.
There are often medical causes that interfere with fertility issues. Infections such as sexually transmitted diseases can interfere with sperm production, as can inflamed testicles from mumps or prostatitis. A varicocele, which is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle, can prevent cooling of the testicle and lead to low sperm count. Retrograde ejaculation, where the semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of the tip of the penis, is another problem. Other sperm problems can be caused by diabetes, multiple sclerosis, spinal injuries and certain medications such as Flomax, Hytrin and Uroxatral. Tumors, undescended testicle, hormone imbalances and chromosomal defects can also create sperm issues.
There are also environmental issues, such as heat, toxins and chemicals that will reduce sperm count. Frequent use of sauna or hot tubs will lower sperm count, along with sitting for prolonged periods or wearing tight clothing. Prolonged bicycling can overheat the testicles and also put pressure on the area behind the testicles, causing erectile dysfunction.
Other causes of male infertility are drugs such as anabolic steroids, cocaine and marijuana, which can reduce the number and quality of the sperm. Heavy drinking and tobacco smoking have also affected sperm. Vitamin deficiencies in C, selenium, zinc and folate have also been implicated, as well as being overand underweight. Sometimes the use of lubricants such as Astroglide or K-Y jelly has been known to reduce sperm movement. Just as women have a decline in fertility over the age of 35, men have the same issues.
"I was surprised and unsure of what it meant," said Mike, an attorney who spoke on the condition that his last name not be revealed. He and his wife Susan (not her real name) had been trying to have a child for a year, and they had assumed Susan was the one with the fertility issues. She had two rounds of in vitro fertilization, which were unsuccessful. Finally they looked at Mike. He had oligozoospermia which means low motility of his sperm.
There are some causes of azoospermia. Inflammation of generative organs which can make it haematose, dropsical and sludging, in the end the sperms die owing to lack of blood and oxygen. Chronic spermatocystitis causes decreasing of fructose and the sperms dead. Prostatitis, spermatitis and epididymitis would influence the ordinary secretion, especially the chronic prostatitis can decrease the amount of microelement zinc, it would influence the metabolism of sperms.
Patented traditional Chinese medicine - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill cures infertility in three months. Patients risk for no side effect or drug resistance while taking this medicine. Necrospermia, azoospermia and male infertility are commonly caused by prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, deferentitis, epididymitis and orchitis. By solving those problems, infertility can be treated completely.
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